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103 Results found for Barack Hussein

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This presidency, his pathetic staff, his inept cabinet and their respective departments, and, finally, his accompanying mainstream media are rotten to the core: But how can a nation save itself from itself when it is not smart enough to consider the question?
This presidency, his pathetic staff, his inept cabinet and their respective departments, and, finally, his accompanying mainstream media are rotten to the core: But how can a nation save itself from itself when it is not smart enough to consider the question?
The U. S. Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 in the Hobby Lobby religious freedom case to support this retail company's first amendment right to hold certain religious and ethical beliefs over the will of the federal government's police power directed by a poorly written, and inconsistently enforced law.
The U. S. Supreme Court voted 5 to 4 in the Hobby Lobby religious freedom case to support this retail company's first amendment right to hold certain religious and ethical beliefs over the will of the federal government's police power directed by a poorly written, and inconsistently enforced law.
The House Oversight Committee, who are also charged with discovering the truth on countless other scandals, which have swamped the incredible Barack Hussein Obama presidency, are tasked with the responsibility to accomplish this unenviable feat to know who is ultimately responsible.
The House Oversight Committee, who are also charged with discovering the truth on countless other scandals, which have swamped the incredible Barack Hussein Obama presidency, are tasked with the responsibility to accomplish this unenviable feat to know who is ultimately responsible.
Over the loud objections of American health insurance companies, and with blaming George W. Bush not really an option to convince the even most stupid among us, chiefly the Candidate's voting base, our Liar-in-Chief fixed ObamaCare by blaming health insurance companies.
Over the loud objections of American health insurance companies, and with blaming George W. Bush not really an option to convince the even most stupid among us, chiefly the Candidate's voting base, our Liar-in-Chief fixed ObamaCare by blaming health insurance companies.
I wish I could comment: 'There are two types of people in this world - Liberals and Conservatives - so let the battle begin for the conscious conscience of today's America!"
I wish I could comment: 'There are two types of people in this world - Liberals and Conservatives - so let the battle begin for the conscious conscience of today's America!"
I suppose it is up to me to explain this phenomena since I am the one that coined the expression.
I suppose it is up to me to explain this phenomena since I am the one that coined the expression.
I believe once again, I have hit squarely the proverbial nail on the head in regards to today's Democrats.
I believe once again, I have hit squarely the proverbial nail on the head in regards to today's Democrats.
We've been hearing all about "a grand compromise" in the US Senate over filibusters and votes over Obama administration nominees. Let's review the details of the "compromise".
We've been hearing all about "a grand compromise" in the US Senate over filibusters and votes over Obama administration nominees. Let's review the details of the "compromise".
In a White House press conference with Great Britain's Prime Minister John Cameron, Candidate Obama lied about the time line of when his administration's acknowledged when the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack.
In a White House press conference with Great Britain's Prime Minister John Cameron, Candidate Obama lied about the time line of when his administration's acknowledged when the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack.
Answer: THIS WOMAN. Carol Folt, acting president of Darthmouth College, was named this week as the first female chancellor of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Answer: THIS WOMAN. Carol Folt, acting president of Darthmouth College, was named this week as the first female chancellor of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Will she or won't she? North Carolina politicos are wondering if congresswoman Renee Ellmers will step up and challenge incumbent Democrat Kay Hagan for reelection in 2014.
Will she or won't she? North Carolina politicos are wondering if congresswoman Renee Ellmers will step up and challenge incumbent Democrat Kay Hagan for reelection in 2014.
There was once a time in America when the exploits of NASA was a national ambition - Democrat, Republican - it did not matter.
There was once a time in America when the exploits of NASA was a national ambition - Democrat, Republican - it did not matter.
The North Carolina Senate voted Monday to block expansion of Medicaid -- a key component to the implementation of ObamaCare in NC. The move put the Republican majority in the General Assembly's upper chamber at odds with the state's new Republican governor.
The North Carolina Senate voted Monday to block expansion of Medicaid -- a key component to the implementation of ObamaCare in NC. The move put the Republican majority in the General Assembly's upper chamber at odds with the state's new Republican governor.
In DC, they are ignoring the guidelines laid out in The Constitution regarding legislative process. The Supreme Court has come up with creative dandies like "freedom of expression" as well as a "right to abortion."
In DC, they are ignoring the guidelines laid out in The Constitution regarding legislative process. The Supreme Court has come up with creative dandies like "freedom of expression" as well as a "right to abortion."
A new lawsuit has been filed in Broward County, Florida that challenges Barack Obama's eligibility to be listed on the ballot for the president of the United States.
A new lawsuit has been filed in Broward County, Florida that challenges Barack Obama's eligibility to be listed on the ballot for the president of the United States.
Brant Clifton wrote two short pieces on Friday, and I am writing one today. Does anyone really care?
Presidential Endorsements from Retired Officers (Army/Navy)
Furthermore, one can understand how Candidate Obama does appeal to those one issue neophytes, who, obviously, can only pay limited attention to everything else.
Furthermore, one can understand how Candidate Obama does appeal to those one issue neophytes, who, obviously, can only pay limited attention to everything else.
I don't think there is anybody -- outside of Walter Dalton's immediate family -- who hasn't conceded that we will be spending the next four years talking about GOVERNOR McCrory.
I don't think there is anybody -- outside of Walter Dalton's immediate family -- who hasn't conceded that we will be spending the next four years talking about GOVERNOR McCrory.
This general election has been heralded as the most important election in 30 years. I surmise that this is the most important election in exactly 32 years.
This general election has been heralded as the most important election in 30 years. I surmise that this is the most important election in exactly 32 years.
Neville Chamberlain, the Prime Minister of England, was closely associated with the policy of appeasement towards Nazi Germany in 1938. After ceding part of the Czech motherland to Adolf Hitler, he returned to England and loudly proclaimed, "We have peace. We have peace in our time."
Neville Chamberlain, the Prime Minister of England, was closely associated with the policy of appeasement towards Nazi Germany in 1938. After ceding part of the Czech motherland to Adolf Hitler, he returned to England and loudly proclaimed, "We have peace. We have peace in our time."
After seeing those photos of the mob overrunning the US embassy in Cairo, yanking down the American flag, my mind wandered back to similar images in Tehran in 1979 The more I think about it. the similarities between the Carter years, and our current situation, are striking.
After seeing those photos of the mob overrunning the US embassy in Cairo, yanking down the American flag, my mind wandered back to similar images in Tehran in 1979 The more I think about it. the similarities between the Carter years, and our current situation, are striking.
There's been a sudden explosion of purple hair and tongue-piercings in the vicinity of Trade & Tryon. Barney Frank -- a/k/a "The Banking Queen" -- checked into his hotel with a belt strapped around his neck.
There's been a sudden explosion of purple hair and tongue-piercings in the vicinity of Trade & Tryon. Barney Frank -- a/k/a "The Banking Queen" -- checked into his hotel with a belt strapped around his neck.
This week of watching the Republican National Convention, I have had a guilty pleasure of switching between Fox and MSNBC, if only for the humor.
This week of watching the Republican National Convention, I have had a guilty pleasure of switching between Fox and MSNBC, if only for the humor.
Actor / Director / Producer / Musician and Republican Clint Eastwood will speak to the Republicans, and all of America, tonight at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida.
Actor / Director / Producer / Musician and Republican Clint Eastwood will speak to the Republicans, and all of America, tonight at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida.
Tea Party folks have been told for months now that we need to get on the bandwagon -- for the sake of unity. We need to join the cheering section for Pat and Mitt.
Tea Party folks have been told for months now that we need to get on the bandwagon -- for the sake of unity. We need to join the cheering section for Pat and Mitt.
Yep. That's the bill of goods wonderboy super-scribe Rob Christensen is trying to sell us in the pages of The N&O:
Yep. That's the bill of goods wonderboy super-scribe Rob Christensen is trying to sell us in the pages of The N&O:
    The boys and girls in The Ol' Reliable's newsroom have had a busy week -- running damage control for Walter Dalton, Elaine Marshall and NOW Barack Hussein Obama (MMM -- MMM -- MMM).
    The boys and girls in The Ol' Reliable's newsroom have had a busy week -- running damage control for Walter Dalton, Elaine Marshall and NOW Barack Hussein Obama (MMM -- MMM -- MMM).
Candidate Barack Obama, arguably the most inept president since Jimmy Carter - and because of his complete inarguable abject dishonesty, I will make the argument of his being the most inept - believes he deserves four more years to complete the work he set out to do - make this a socialist nation.
Candidate Barack Obama, arguably the most inept president since Jimmy Carter - and because of his complete inarguable abject dishonesty, I will make the argument of his being the most inept - believes he deserves four more years to complete the work he set out to do - make this a socialist nation.
Much has been reported, of recent, regarding President/Candidate Barack Obama's unscripted comments, while campaigning over the past weekend, revealing his limited understanding of the creation of capital, of jobs, and the very core of what drives America's capitalist economy.
Much has been reported, of recent, regarding President/Candidate Barack Obama's unscripted comments, while campaigning over the past weekend, revealing his limited understanding of the creation of capital, of jobs, and the very core of what drives America's capitalist economy.
We'd like to think yesterday's run-off primary signals the start of a revolution in American politics.
The "hope," the "change," and the "kool aide" of deep affective devotion is still a condition of the most devoted Obama supporters here in America, and most especially in Lake County Florida.
The "hope," the "change," and the "kool aide" of deep affective devotion is still a condition of the most devoted Obama supporters here in America, and most especially in Lake County Florida.
The United States of America may be broken. Are you ready to do your part to pick up the pieces and rebuild us?
The United States of America may be broken. Are you ready to do your part to pick up the pieces and rebuild us?
President Barack Obama once again placed leadership aside to take the opportunity to do what he does best - campaign to friendly crowds. It the President finds an unfriendly crowd, he does what he knows best: he becomes a "man of the People," "really listens to the People."
President Barack Obama once again placed leadership aside to take the opportunity to do what he does best - campaign to friendly crowds. It the President finds an unfriendly crowd, he does what he knows best: he becomes a "man of the People," "really listens to the People."
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